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Patients of Surgero Clinic İstanbul in a collage.

real patients & real results

From Our Patients' Perspectives

Experience speaks for itself.
Let's listen to our
patients talking about their journey with us.

Patients of Surgero Clinic İstanbul in a collage.
This guide doesn't just translate; it teaches you how to pronounce each phrase like a local, ensuring you can communicate your needs and understand the care you're receiving.

What's inside the guide?

2 QR Codes

  • One directs you to Turkish-English translation page while other connects you to our dedicated operations team

Essencial Phrases & Pronunciations

  • Master Key phrasesfor clear communication in the hospital stay

Asking for Help & Describing Symptoms

  • Express your concerns and needs with confidence

Request Phrases & Pronunciations

  • Ensure your comfort and well-being by effectively voicing your desires

In order to download the guide, type your e-mail and check your inbox!

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